Customer Engagement and Loyalty Must-Dos for Re-emergence

June 22, 2020, Gina Fleck

Customer Engagement and Loyalty Must-Dos for Re-emergence

June 22, 2020, Gina Fleck

Customer Engagement and Loyalty Must-Dos for Re-emergence

June 22, 2020, Gina Fleck

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Merkle Blog Image

Customer Engagement and Loyalty Must-Dos for Re-emergence

June 22, 2020, Gina Fleck

Customer Engagement and Loyalty Must-Dos for Re-emergence

June 22, 2020, Gina Fleck

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Customer Engagement and Loyalty Must-Dos for Re-emergence

June 22, 2020, Gina Fleck

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Merkle Blog Image

Customer Engagement and Loyalty Must-Dos for Re-emergence

June 22, 2020, Gina Fleck

Merkle Blog Image

June 22, 2020, Gina Fleck

By now, many of us have adjusted to our current reality. But what's going to happen as we start inching back toward normal? We dug deep into re-emergence research and trends, and we believe there will be a long-lasting impact to key customer behaviors in spending, health, and local behaviors that marketers will need to address. 

Here are some key levers to pull at each stage of the customer journey to ensure your marketing initiatives move your business forward in this changing environment:

Must-Do #1: Identify and Activate

  • Provide an Easy Way to Engage: Acquire first-party data and capture new consumers with
    a simple chance-to-win experience that includes additional elements of data collection, such as a quick survey or poll.
  • Focus on Connection: Getting to a personal level with consumers develops an emotional bond and affinity. Develop an emotional connection with consumers through hashtag-based social promotions that connect your products to how they’re adapting to their new normal.
  • Offer Product Subscriptions: The pandemic has magnified consumer fears of running out of essential items. Provide some comfort with a subscription, so consumers can be sure to
    never run out of your product(s) again.

Must-Do #2: Educate and Engage

  • Make it Fun: Instead of relying solely on email or social media messages 
    to communicate key information like policy changes or re-opening plans, use fun, engaging content-delivery experiences like trivia games that educate and entertain, creating a reason for your customers to connect.
  • Explore AR Possibilities: Consider layering in an AR element to replicate core
    elements of the in-store experience, even for those who aren't yet ready to return to your store in person.

Must-Do #3: Reward and Retain

  • Encourage Repeat Behaviors: Drive order frequency and customer continuity with 
    purchase-based punch cards tied to chance to win, discounts, and other incentives.
  • Add Value Without the Discounts: Incorporate promotional overlays into your loyalty 
    programming, focused on acquiring high-value customers and creating reasons for members to spend time with your brand between shopping experiences.

Want to learn more? Check out our guide to re-emergence here, diving into specific trends and must-dos across CPG, Retail, QSR, Grocery, and Regulated Industries.

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