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About us

Personal, informed by data and powered by technology 


Merkle is a a leading technology-enabled, data-driven customer experience management (CXM) company. We specialise in the creation and delivery of unique, personalised customer experiences that drive performance across all platforms and devices. For more than 30 years, Fortune 1000 companies and leading non-profit organizations have partnered with Merkle to maximize the value of their customer portfolios. 

The Merkle Spain team always works under the same goal: to help brands take the path towards differentiation through our capabilities. From our offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Gijón, we collaborate with IBEX 35 companies, large publishers and Fortune 500 profile corporations to generate a competitive advantage in their market thanks to data and technology.

Some facts


World-class clients
Localtions worldwide
First-party customer records managed
Modelos analíticos al año
Employees worldwide
Data scientists and analysts
UX experts
Customer strategists
Petabytes of customer data on our network