How B2B Brands Can Meet B2C Commerce Expectations

03.22.2024, Randy Higgins

How B2B Brands Can Meet B2C Commerce Expectations

03.22.2024, Randy Higgins

How B2B Brands Can Meet B2C Commerce Expectations

03.22.2024, Randy Higgins

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How B2B Brands Can Meet B2C Commerce Expectations

03.22.2024, Randy Higgins

How B2B Brands Can Meet B2C Commerce Expectations

03.22.2024, Randy Higgins

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How B2B Brands Can Meet B2C Commerce Expectations

03.22.2024, Randy Higgins

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How B2B Brands Can Meet B2C Commerce Expectations

03.22.2024, Randy Higgins

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03.22.2024, Randy Higgins

In the world of commerce, B2B brands are presented with a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between the lofty expectations set by B2C experiences and the current reality of the market. The need for seamless experiences is more crucial than ever, as B2B enterprises grapple with evolving consumer preferences. But how big is this gap exactly?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the disparities between B2B and B2C marketing expectations and how businesses can leverage innovative strategies to meet the demands of a changing market and fill this divide.


Understanding the distinction: B2B vs. B2C

While both B2B and B2C marketing aim to connect with their respective audiences, the distinction lies in the approach. B2B commerce solutions cater to businesses selling products or services to other businesses, necessitating a different marketing strategy compared to B2C. 

The truth is that B2B is often just more complex. The diverse products, customized orders, intricate fulfillment process, more dynamic pricing structure, and buying process all look wildly different from B2C counterparts.  

To truly bridge the expectations gap, it’s essential to understand the nuances in tone, mood, and incentives that resonate with B2B buyers. And the starting point is understanding that buyers and their preferences are constantly changing, and many of those key decision-makers are now millennials (born between 1981 and 1996, aging from around 27-42). Let’s look at these preferences and how B2B brands can offer a seamless buying experience to their customers. 


Challenges and disparities

Buyer preferences are changing

A staggering 44% of millennials prefer minimal interaction with sales representatives. This shift in behavior highlights the need for B2B brands to rethink traditional sales approaches and embrace digital channels.

Perception vs reality

Despite 80% of brands believing they deliver an excellent customer experience, only 8% of their customers agree. This stark contrast emphasizes the importance of aligning business perceptions with customer realities to enhance overall satisfaction.

Influence of video and social 

Approximately 40% of young decision-makers acknowledge the significant impact of video and social media on their buying decisions. B2B brands can capitalize on these channels to create engaging and informative content that resonates with their target audience.


Bridge the gap: strategies for success

  1. Embrace digital engagement

    Implement digital communication channels to cater to the preferences of your key buyers, whether that be millennials or other tech-savvy decision-makers. This is where many B2C brands thrive. By offering ways to engage that are easy and fast with chatbots, online forums, and interactive webinars, they provide information and support without intrusive sales interactions.
  2. Adopt a customer-centric approach

    Prioritize a customer-centric approach by actively seeking and incorporating customer feedback. By addressing pain points and aligning business operations with customer expectations, B2B brands can enhance overall satisfaction and loyalty. Check out this blog post on account-based marketing and experiences for a deep dive.
  3. Leverage video

    Develop compelling video content to connect with the changing demands of decision-makers. By sharing industry insights, product demonstrations, and customer success stories, B2B organizations can build trust and credibility while adding a visual element to a sometimes complex solution or product set.


Bridging the gap between B2B commerce expectations and the current market reality requires a strategic and customer-centric approach. By understanding the nuances of B2B marketing, embracing digital engagement, and leveraging the power of visuals and easy-to-grasp tools for video content, businesses can position themselves to succeed in an ever-evolving landscape. The key lies in adapting to changing preferences and continually refining strategies to meet the dynamic expectations of B2B buyers.

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What will the B2B landscape look like by 2030? How will buyers, the digital economy, and the nature of experience and commerce itself change? In this ebook, you'll learn how business leaders should respond and plan for the long haul.

B2B Futures: The View from 2030

What will the B2B landscape look like by 2030? How will buyers, the digital economy, and the nature of experience and commerce itself change? In this ebook, you'll learn how business leaders should respond and plan for the long haul.

B2B Futures: The View from 2030

What will the B2B landscape look like by 2030? How will buyers, the digital economy, and the nature of experience and commerce itself change? In this ebook, you'll learn how business leaders should respond and plan for the long haul.

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B2B Futures: The View from 2030

What will the B2B landscape look like by 2030? How will buyers, the digital economy, and the nature of experience and commerce itself change? In this ebook, you'll learn how business leaders should respond and plan for the long haul.

B2B Futures: The View from 2030

What will the B2B landscape look like by 2030? How will buyers, the digital economy, and the nature of experience and commerce itself change? In this ebook, you'll learn how business leaders should respond and plan for the long haul.

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B2B Futures: The View from 2030

What will the B2B landscape look like by 2030? How will buyers, the digital economy, and the nature of experience and commerce itself change? In this ebook, you'll learn how business leaders should respond and plan for the long haul.

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B2B Futures: The View from 2030

What will the B2B landscape look like by 2030? How will buyers, the digital economy, and the nature of experience and commerce itself change? In this ebook, you'll learn how business leaders should respond and plan for the long haul.

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What will the B2B landscape look like by 2030? How will buyers, the digital economy, and the nature of experience and commerce itself change? In this ebook, you'll learn how business leaders should respond and plan for the long haul.

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