Integrate Your Content with AEP for Improved Performance

March 2, 2023, Jas Singh & Sayantika Sikdar

Integrate Your Content with AEP for Improved Performance

March 2, 2023, Jas Singh & Sayantika Sikdar

Integrate Your Content with AEP for Improved Performance

March 2, 2023, Jas Singh & Sayantika Sikdar

Integrate Your Content with AEP for Improved Performance

March 2, 2023, Jas Singh & Sayantika Sikdar

Integrate Your Content with AEP for Improved Performance

March 2, 2023, Jas Singh & Sayantika Sikdar

Integrate Your Content with AEP for Improved Performance

March 2, 2023, Jas Singh & Sayantika Sikdar

Integrate Your Content with AEP for Improved Performance

March 2, 2023, Jas Singh & Sayantika Sikdar

March 2, 2023, Jas Singh & Sayantika Sikdar


Learn more about our sessions at Adobe Summit here.

Have you invested in Adobe products and not achieved the scale that you hoped for?

Are you looking to integrate your content and Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) technology to reach the next level of personalization with automation and more efficient processes?

Today’s customers expect prompt responses and messaging relevant to them regardless of the channel. Because of this expectation, marketers are challenged to address the constant need for content to fuel relevant experiences and timely communications. To address these challenges, organizations often turn to new or upgraded technology in hopes of a quick fix.

Adobe’s integrated ecosystem provides a foundation to handle today’s common experience delivery challenges. However, to personalize at scale, a few components are needed: a strategic framework, technology, and the right approach. Above all, it is important to identify what success looks like, lay out a plan and approach, and then action against it.

We help organizations who have invested in Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) or Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) but have not yet realized the value or obtained that success. If you’re in a similar situation, you’re not alone. This is a very common challenge!  

Technology is a significant piece of this puzzle; however, it is not a magic answer right out of the box. According to Merkle’s Performance Creative Lead, Amy Thorne, “Brands need to understand that content is far more than just scale – it’s also about velocity. This consideration for trajectory, combined with scale, leads us to the concept of content velocity.”

Many organizations already have an established content practice or activation teams and agency partners, but they tend to operate in silos, creating a need for holistic end-to-end processes and connectivity across all foundational pieces of the puzzle to solve for personalization at scale.

The Keys to a Holistic Approach to Scaled Personalization

There are four pillars that define successful personalization that leverages content and AEP. They are:

  • Strategy as a foundation
  • Tech and data as an enabler
  • Content for relevance
  • Process and governance for efficiency

1. Strategy as the foundation:

Journey and campaign strategy need to be aligned and integrated with your content strategy across channels. Audiences should be driven by data insights and consistent across channels. When an integrated audience-to-journey strategy is created at the enterprise level, it allows for the alignment of centralized content to happen naturally. This streamlines content creation as now content can be leveraged for audiences regardless of the channel on which it is served. This process also requires a learning agenda, the right measurement approach, and optimization because the way to succeed is to test, learn, and optimize.

2. Tech and data as the enablers:

Start by looking at your existing technology to see where you may have tech debt that is causing inefficiencies. Ask yourself if there’s a different approach you can take. For example, replacing a legacy marketing tool like Adobe Campaign Standard with Adobe Journey Optimizer, which is native to Adobe Experience platform, can help eliminate data movement between products and reduce latency.  

You may already be tracking customer interactions and have vast amounts of data. Instead of looking at how to make sense of all of it, focus on the subset of data that is relevant and needed for your marketing use cases. The focus should be to shift toward data required for insights and activations that connect with your overarching strategy.

3. Process and governance for efficiency at scale:

To deliver relevant experiences at scale efficiently, organizations need to integrate processes and handshakes across the teams. When talking about processes, key things to consider are:

  • How can we establish end-to-end processes across workstreams and channels so that they are efficient and privacy compliant?

  • How can we implement foundational practices within each workstream so they are automated, faster, and scalable for the constant need for content velocity?  

These improvements can bring the siloed content and campaign teams together to develop and deploy in a coordinated way with improved processes.

4. Content velocity for relevant experiences:

To enable moments that connect to experiences, three aspects of content velocity need to work together: the directing and redirecting of content precisely delivered through technology, scaled content production underpinned by great creative, and a customer-centric strategy. 

Automation enables you to create content once, yet still build distinct, one-to-one moments that meet customers’ needs. A robust tagging strategy and integration of content technology with marketing technology power unique experiences across activation platforms, like those that power dynamic creative optimization (DCO), as well as dynamic email.

Want to learn more? Let us show you how to best bring all these pillars to life utilizing Adobe Experience Platform core solutions, including Real-Time CDP, Adobe Journey Optimizer, and Customer Journey Analytics, to deliver the next best experience at every touchpoint at scale. 

Join us at Adobe Summit on March 22 at 9 am. Register for our session here

In this session, experts from Merkle will share how to best:

  • Utilize AEM + AEP to integrate content and audiences to offer delivery at scale.
  • Achieve desired values and efficiencies with the suite of Adobe products.
  • Develop an audience-centric mindset across teams.

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