Structure Your Organization to Maximize Martech Investments, Part 2: Readiness for Change

04.04.2022, Margie Chiu

Structure Your Organization to Maximize Martech Investments, Part 2: Readiness for Change

04.04.2022, Margie Chiu

Structure Your Organization to Maximize Martech Investments, Part 2: Readiness for Change

04.04.2022, Margie Chiu

Structure Your Organization to Maximize Martech Investments, Part 2: Readiness for Change

04.04.2022, Margie Chiu

Structure Your Organization to Maximize Martech Investments, Part 2: Readiness for Change

04.04.2022, Margie Chiu

Structure Your Organization to Maximize Martech Investments, Part 2: Readiness for Change

04.04.2022, Margie Chiu

Structure Your Organization to Maximize Martech Investments, Part 2: Readiness for Change

04.04.2022, Margie Chiu

Upgrading legacy technology platforms to power key use cases is top of mind for many marketers. However, getting the most out of new technology requires addressing organizational and operational factors as well. In the first part of this series, we covered the people and processes your organization will need to consider when implementing a new tool. Now, let’s discuss whether your organization is really ready for the major change that implementing a new technology will bring.

Unfortunately, it’s common for an IT team to make a hefty investment in a new tool or platform with limited input from other parts of the organization. As a result, they’re often met with endless questions and even resistance as others become aware of the project, causing delays as the team scrambles to gain buy-in. That’s why it is critical for business owners, channel SMEs and marketing to be looped in before making a purchase, as they are often the users of this technology and can highlight the key features and use cases needed from the investment.

We have consistently found that getting the technology right is only one consideration. The more common reasons for failure of digital transformation initiatives include lack of executive sponsorship, poor project management, and limited organizational adoption across the board.

Before moving ahead with investing in a new tool, consider these key areas:

  • Vision and plan
  • Alignment of leaders and teams
  • Change management

To help you gauge your readiness for change, we’ve created a brief questionnaire based on the more extensive Technology and Operating Model Readiness Assessment that we use as part of our technology recommendations and roadmap development process:




Vision and Plan



Clearly defined vision and measurable business objective

Use cases describing how the future state will be enabled by technology

Realistic budget and timing expectations

Dedicated team of SMEs and required resources to focus on the initiative

Alignment of Leaders and Teams



Executive sponsorship of project and commitment to remove barriers

Support and alignment from functional/business leads of impacted teams

Participation by business and channel teams in the vision and planning process

Ongoing communication of vision and progress to broader organization

Deployment and Change Management 



Definition of how processes and roles will need to change

Formal training and communication plan

Measurement plan to track business impact over time


Before moving forward with selecting a vendor and making the purchase of your new technology, all of the requirements under vision and plan and alignment must be in place to ensure success. As for deployment and change management, ideally these items are addressed before starting the implementation, but at a minimum have to be covered before the completion of the tool setup.

In the final article of this series, we’ll share guidelines on how to drive adoption and sustain progress over time for successful change management.

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