Redesigning a new checkout in time for Black Friday

Redesigning a new checkout in time for Black Friday


Redesigning a new checkout in time for Black Friday


Redesigning a new checkout in time for Black Friday


Redesigning a new checkout in time for Black Friday


Redesigning a new checkout in time for Black Friday

Redesigning a new checkout in time for Black Friday


The challenge

As new buying patterns started to emerge post-pandemic, ZWILLING wanted to continue working with Merkle on new initiatives to bring the best UX/UI available to appeal to a wide range of audiences, while simultaneously catering to an already established segment of buyers and drive revenues in an upward trajectory.

However, as the summer period was ending, a payment provider notified ZWILLING of its intention to deprecate an existing integration by the end of 2022 – an integration which handled the payment methods across a couple markets.

This presented a challenge for ZWILLING, and already ambitious ongoing initiatives were streamlined to deliver in seven markets in just two months. The plan and team had to adapt quickly to this high-risk initiative with the goal for all to be done before Black Friday. Otherwise, these sites would stop receiving sales due to the deprecated function set for end of December.

  • Increased speed of ordering

  • solutions for common problems for each e-commerce website

The approach

To ensure ZWILLING were not left without any active payment methods during the peak season, the Merkle team re-prioritized in-progress critical 2022 initiatives, aligning and advising key stakeholders in order to make this transition as smooth as possible.

Based on a roadmap created with ZWILLING, the Merkle team, in close collaboration with the client’s UX/UI team worked on improving critical user touchpoints including:

  • Migration to a new and improved SFRA based architecture, aimed to improve user experience, and deliver a mobile-first approach to four markets
  • Delivery of a flexible payment solution (Klarna) across 5 markets, unlocking an additional revenue stream
  • Integrating a loyalty program across two of ZWILLING's key markets to drive customer retention, nurture subsequent purchases, and introduce loyalty rewards

As well as managing these initiatives, Merkle supported the communication strategy in each market to prepare them for delivery before the end of 2022.


With Merkle's help, we were able to react to changing priorities at short notice and in the best possible way.
Florian Nagel
Author Description
Head of Customer Solutions, Digital Services, at ZWILLING

The outcome

Merkle worked to deliver all the agreed initiatives from the 2022 roadmap, despite being pressed for time due to unforeseen operational challenges. In less than two months before peak season, the team successfully delivered checkout re-design to three more markets on top of all other initiatives already in progress.

In the end, all markets were upgraded with their new checkout with all must-haves features right before Black Friday