Contextual advertising delivers brand consideration uplift

Contextual advertising delivers brand consideration uplift

DIY Retailer

Contextual advertising delivers brand consideration uplift

DIY Retailer

Contextual advertising delivers brand consideration uplift

DIY Retailer

Contextual advertising delivers brand consideration uplift

DIY Retailer

Contextual advertising delivers brand consideration uplift

Contextual advertising delivers brand consideration uplift

DIY Retailer

The challenge

Despite having a high level of brand awareness, a DIY and home improvement retail brand faced a challenge of moving customers further along their journey by converting their brand awareness into consideration. They came to us with the objective of increasing brand preference and consideration for their hero product category. Our strategy in leveraging contextual targeting was successful at driving a significant 19% uplift in consideration.

To get consumers to pick our client's brand over the competitors, our advertising must stand out to be effective, whatever the context. The type of content, how it is presented, and, perhaps most important, the user’s mindset, intent, and their way of interacting with the content all differ from one platform to the next. Therefore, different digital contexts demand different content tailored to the specific platform.

  • 2x

    Higher CTR

  • 3x

    Lower CPM

  • 6x

    More clicks, despite similar spend

  • 19%

    Uplift in brand consideration

The approach

Our strategy involved expanding our media tactics beyond the tried and tested platforms to include a contextual display partner called RA@S LAB, who offers intelligent contextual targeting capabilities and shoppable formats. Their algorithm finds the most relevant content and shows the most relevant creative that are high impact, with the imagery and copy being personalised to match the content of the webpage to grab attention.


The outcome

The campaign proved to be successful, delivering strong performance across brand lift, CTR, ROAS and CPM metrics, compared to other display activities.