Digital Transformation in the B2B World

Digital Transformation in the B2B World

Digital Transformation in the B2B World

Digital Transformation in the B2B World

Digital Transformation in the B2B World

Digital Transformation in the B2B World

Digital Transformation in the B2B World

Digital transformation represents a fundamental change in how organizations deliver value to their customers. With 73 percent of Millennials in the workplace involved in making buying decisions for their company, it is considered even more vital that businesses take a digital-first approach in response to Millennials’ rising expectations.

Merkle’s B2B International surveyed over 1,000 business strategy decision makers across North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, across different industries including IT, Technology, Construction, and Food & Drink as well as a wide range of business sizes from SMEs to Enterprises. Our survey reveals a better understanding of what digital transformation means to organizations across various regions, industries, and sizes.

In this research you will learn: 

  • What digital transformation means to B2B businesses
  • How many brands have sufficient budgets to meet their digital ambitions
  • How digital investment is prioritized
  • Where technology is being underutilized
  • How efficiently companies are using their business data

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.

Dive in to the research

It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.
It’s non-negotiable – B2B brands must evolve their brand experiences, at speed and at scale, to stay relevant to increasing buyer needs and expectations. According to Merkle B2B’s latest Superpowers survey, buyers aren’t always getting what they need from brands, and there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver the right experiences.