What Does an Adobe Commerce Experience Look Like?

August 16, 2023, Mason Poelker

What Does an Adobe Commerce Experience Look Like?

August 16, 2023, Mason Poelker

What Does an Adobe Commerce Experience Look Like?

August 16, 2023, Mason Poelker

What Does an Adobe Commerce Experience Look Like?

August 16, 2023, Mason Poelker

What Does an Adobe Commerce Experience Look Like?

August 16, 2023, Mason Poelker

What Does an Adobe Commerce Experience Look Like?

August 16, 2023, Mason Poelker

What Does an Adobe Commerce Experience Look Like?

August 16, 2023, Mason Poelker

August 16, 2023, Mason Poelker

Commerce is a brand’s moment of truth and lies at the heart of the customer’s experience. All parts of your customers' journey interconnect to converge at commerce. So, it only makes sense to give customers the most consistent, personalized commerce experience for your brand that encompasses all touchpoints to optimize your customers’ interaction with your brand.

Adobe Experience Cloud helps you connect all your data and deliver a personalized commerce experience more seamlessly than marketers have been able to in the past. But it all starts with data, and your owned first-party customer data is the most valuable asset of all. While your brand collects customer data through multiple different channels (retail, site analytics, CRM, loyalty programs, commerce, etc.), the real value comes with how you’re collecting, orchestrating, and activating that data.

Out-of-the-box tools

Within Adobe Experience Cloud, there are out-of-the-box tools to collect data with Adobe Real-Time CDP (RT-CDP), orchestration from Adobe Journey Optimizer, and activation Adobe Target and Adobe Commerce. The first step is ensuring all your data across is sent from your various channels to Adobe Experience Platform to be captured in RT-CDP. The tool will not only aggregate this data, but also help create a single profile view of your customer between different systems.

With the Experience Platform connector for Adobe Commerce, sending this data can be done in a matter of hours, instead of the grueling several-day sprints we’ve all experienced. From there you can start segmenting your customer profiles into different audience segments. In the demo video below, we created segments for customers viewing men’s and women’s clothing. As a customer starts viewing men’s clothing, Adobe Target can then start split testing homepage banners for customers in the “men’s” segment to increase conversion rate.

At the same time, those same segments created in RT-CDP are being sent to Adobe Commerce to create dynamic content based on users’ browsing history, sending users who have views certain items a personal 50% off offer on men’s clothing to. Then we use Adobe Journey to send a product specific abandoned cart email to users adding a product to their cart, but not purchasing within that session. Together, this creates an extremely personalized experience based on data you are collecting from you customer.

Adobe Commerce in action

While the scenario above is simplistic, the use cases are only limited to the data you have available and your team’s creativity. Once you have the foundation in place, the possibilities are endless. The better data you can feed into Adobe Real-Time CDP, the better the connect commerce experience can be for your Adobe Commerce shopper. Here’s a few other examples to get your creativity flowing:

  • If you feed pricing data into your Adobe Real-Time CDP along with your Adobe Commerce data, you can send targeted emails to users about specific products they view when those items go on sale.
  • By combining retail data with commerce data, you can create an omni-channel loyalty program.
  • Sending data from Adobe Experience Manager content site, you can understand what your customers are interested in before they even get to your Adobe Commerce site and deliver them personalized content from their first visit.

These tools are powerful, but the creativity and strategy needed to harness them are just as important. To wield them effectively, you’ll need experts who can help deliver across the Adobe Experience Cloud toolset. Reach out to our team here to learn more.