Four Tactics to Use Adobe Commerce for Better CX

06.01.2023, Mason Poelker

Four Tactics to Use Adobe Commerce for Better CX

06.01.2023, Mason Poelker

Four Tactics to Use Adobe Commerce for Better CX

06.01.2023, Mason Poelker

Four Tactics to Use Adobe Commerce for Better CX

06.01.2023, Mason Poelker

Four Tactics to Use Adobe Commerce for Better CX

06.01.2023, Mason Poelker

Four Tactics to Use Adobe Commerce for Better CX

06.01.2023, Mason Poelker

Four Tactics to Use Adobe Commerce for Better CX

06.01.2023, Mason Poelker

06.01.2023, Mason Poelker

Enabling personalization at scale with Adobe Commerce can be overwhelming. You probably find yourself I ready to start a personalization at scale strategy? Where should I start? What tactics will be most effective? Do I need additional tools or licenses to get started?

There are multiple methods you can use to start driving personalization with Adobe Commerce without the need for a large effort. We recommend a crawl, walk, run approach that starts with automated machine learning, then moves onto advanced segmentation, and finally more advanced personalization with Adobe Experience Platform (AEP), as it will allow you to develop a highly relevant and customized personalization strategy over time.

Machine Learning with Adobe Sensei Commerce Services

Effort Level: Low – Create API keys, install/configure product recommendation, and live search modules, to ensure compatibility with your frontend themes/templates.

Products Needed: Adobe Commerce

By using data collected from your customers’ engagement with your brand, Adobe Sensei can curate personalized search results and product recommendations using machine learning. By enabling Sensei-driven Product Recommendations and Live Search through the Commerce Services, you can easily implement powerful personalization services that are included at no cost with your Adobe Commerce license. These tools replace the out-of-the-box Adobe Commerce product recommendations and OpenSearch/ElasticSearch-driven search Since they are powered by AI, they save your team a ton of time. You simply turn them on and eventually the model will be trained to create personalized experiences that optimize conversions.

Segmentation and Dynamic Content in Adobe Commerce

Effort Level: Low/medium - Build out segments, implement dynamic blocks/content on your CMS pages and page templates

Products Needed: Adobe Commerce

An under-utilized tool in Adobe Commerce is using customer segments and dynamic blocks to personalize site content. All browsing, sales, and customer data collected in Adobe Commerce can be used to create segments of customers with similar behaviors, preferences, and needs. Once you've identified and created your segments, you can then create personalized content and experiences for each segment. This could include personalized product recommendations, targeted promotions, customized landing pages, and more.

Advanced Segmentation & Personalization with Adobe Experience Platform

Effort Level: High – Set up Adobe Experience Platform (AEP), install/configure Experience Platform Connector in Adobe Commerce, data management in AEP, create segment in AEP, create journeys and experiences to personalize based on segments

Products Needed: Adobe Commerce & AEP

The customer segments in Adobe Commerce are limited to the data you have in your ecommerce platform. Connecting Adobe Commerce to AEP allows you to segment your customers with any data source available to your organization. First, you install the Experience Platform Connector which allows AEP to track all of your Adobe Commerce customer data. Then, by using AEP with Adobe Real-Time CDP, you can bring in data from your retail system, analytics, CRM, ERP, or just about any data source you have.

AEP will start to build a universal profile for your customers based on this data and build targeted segments. This is when “Connected Commerce” really comes to life. You can start to create personalized journeys with email, SMS, and direct mail to drive customers to your ecommerce store. With the Experience Platform Connector, those segments are then sent back to Adobe Commerce to create hyper-personalized experiences.

Testing Personalized Experiences

Effort Level: Low/Medium – set up Adobe Target, install Adobe Launch Web SDK on Adobe Commerce, set up tests in Target

Products Needed: Adobe Commerce & Adobe Target (or another testing tool), AEP (optional)

Run a test to make sure the personalized experiences you are creating are achieving the desired result. This is where an optimization tool like Adobe Target is critical. Through Adobe Target, you can create A/B and multivariate tests, experience targeting, and automated personalization to continuously optimize and fine-tune experiences. Using the segments you’ve created in AEP, your Adobe Target tests can become even more impactful. This will help refine your personalization strategies over time and allow you to identify what works best for your customers to improve your overall conversion rates.

Learn more about our Adobe expertise here.