What Will Adtech and Martech Look Like in the Future?

July 21, 2021, Courtney Trudeau

What Will Adtech and Martech Look Like in the Future?

July 21, 2021, Courtney Trudeau

What Will Adtech and Martech Look Like in the Future?

July 21, 2021, Courtney Trudeau

What Will Adtech and Martech Look Like in the Future?

July 21, 2021, Courtney Trudeau

What Will Adtech and Martech Look Like in the Future?

July 21, 2021, Courtney Trudeau

What Will Adtech and Martech Look Like in the Future?

July 21, 2021, Courtney Trudeau

What Will Adtech and Martech Look Like in the Future?

July 21, 2021, Courtney Trudeau

July 21, 2021, Courtney Trudeau


In the cookieless future, martech will get stronger based on the effectiveness of adtech. In adtech today, demand-side platform (DSP) vendors place a cookie on a client’s site to collect customer interactions, target, measure, and build look-alike audiences. If you are currently using cookie-based DSPs, now is the time to find cookieless integrations to buy your advertising. 


Additionally, the market will see a greater expansion of media networks and large-scale publisher ecosystems leveraging second-party data sharing strategies to develop their own identity graphs. These shared graphs will be based on hashed PII collected through various subscription/ opt-in models and will be the new backbone of individual-level media targeting and tracking within the publisher’s media network ecosystem. Finally, the big tech walled gardens of Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon will continue to grow in scale and impenetrability.

On the martech side, data management platforms (DMPs), which leverage third-party cookies to identify, collect, and target audiences, will become obsolete, as evidenced by the major DMP providers moving on to new products. Brands need to quickly pivot away from the DMP and move to a cookieless approach. Through a customer data platform (CDP), you can start building, integrating, and testing cookieless martech integrations to stitch together known and unknown profiles with cookieless signal collection. However, the CDP can’t stand alone, and now more than ever, you need to develop a broader marketing data platform to support breadth and depth of first-party data integration and management.