The CMO’s Case for Customer Service

How customer service can win back time and revenue

The CMO’s Case for Customer Service

How customer service can win back time and revenue

The CMO’s Case for Customer Service

How customer service can win back time and revenue

The CMO’s Case for Customer Service

How customer service can win back time and revenue

The CMO’s Case for Customer Service

How customer service can win back time and revenue

The CMO’s Case for Customer Service

How customer service can win back time and revenue

The CMO’s Case for Customer Service

How customer service can win back time and revenue

How customer service can win back time and revenue

If your customer service program is not a large part of your marketing plan, you’re missing a major opportunity to increase revenue and brand loyalty that is sitting on the table right in front of you. How do we know?

  • 94% say a positive customer experience will make them more likely to buy again, according to Salesforce
  • Zendesk found that more than six out of 10 consumers will switch to a competitor after just one poor customer service experience

Your customer service team is sitting on a gold mine of customer data and 1:1 interactions, but you must have the right strategy to harness it. When customers call in with complaints, it’s an opportunity to listen to their feedback for product innovation, gather more insight for personalizing their customer profile, and provide a positive experience that fosters brand loyalty.

Here’s your action plan to integrate customer service into your marketing to help your team and your customers rather than hinder it. And to help build your case, we have developed and included an infographic showcasing the value of customer service on your brand.

And if your CIO needs convincing, we have an action plan and infographic you can send them, too.