The Future of Cookieless Programmatic Media Buying is Here

November 11, 2020, AJ Kintner, Lynette Kaylor

The Future of Cookieless Programmatic Media Buying is Here

November 11, 2020, AJ Kintner, Lynette Kaylor

The Future of Cookieless Programmatic Media Buying is Here

November 11, 2020, AJ Kintner, Lynette Kaylor

Merkle Blog Image
Merkle Blog Image

The Future of Cookieless Programmatic Media Buying is Here

November 11, 2020, AJ Kintner, Lynette Kaylor

The Future of Cookieless Programmatic Media Buying is Here

November 11, 2020, AJ Kintner, Lynette Kaylor

Merkle Blog Image

The Future of Cookieless Programmatic Media Buying is Here

November 11, 2020, AJ Kintner, Lynette Kaylor

Merkle Blog Image
Merkle Blog Image

The Future of Cookieless Programmatic Media Buying is Here

November 11, 2020, AJ Kintner, Lynette Kaylor

Merkle Blog Image

November 11, 2020, AJ Kintner, Lynette Kaylor

With the end of the third-party cookie right around the corner, knowing how to identify customers is on the minds of most marketers today. In partnership with MediaMath’s SOURCE solution and Merkle’s Merkury ID, advertisers can now target audiences at a person-level without the use of cookies across premium publishers. The result is an unparalleled level of accountability, complete supply path transparency, and true person-based reach and frequency.

What Can This Solution Do?

MediaMath and Merkury allows advertisers to maximize their addressable reach across real people without the use of digital proxies. This is the first programmatic buying solution that can buy and optimize audiences based on a real person ID. The Merkury ID (MID) is the first privacy-safe offline person ID that can be activated against in a programmatic environment. The MID will allow advertisers to derive real people results, like true reach and frequency and people insights across digital media.

This solution gives advertisers the power of person-based measurement – MediaMath DSP log files will be tied directly to the Merkury ID for turnkey measurement capabilities. The Merkury ID will be passed in the bidstream and then stored by the MediaMath platform which will enable advertisers to perform advanced CRM attribution reporting based on a real person within a privacy compliant environment.

How it Works

The process starts when brands upload their first-party data to the Merkury platform. Merkury then matches the audience to a person-level Merkury ID. The Merkury ID is then passed to the desired publishers as shown in Step 2, below. In the bid request, the publishers provide the Merkury ID based on the agreed upon deal, MediaMath identifies the Merkury ID at time of bid and activates programmatically, and in the final step MediaMath provides log-level data to the Merkury platform for closed-loop measurement.

The following is a visual for how our integration works:

MediaMath Merkury

Want to learn more? Check out our additional resources on Merkury here.

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