Pathé Suisse – Website Relaunch

From booking tickets to seeing the movie: new website makes visit to Pathé cinemas a memorable experience

At a glance

  1. 01The challengeEstablish website as the main sales channel
  2. 02Our approach„From Insight to Action“ and Mobile first-conzeption
  3. 03The resultCinema are turned into a special experience, from researching a movie to seeing it on screen
PATHÉSUISSECreated with Sketch.
  • Sector

    • Media
    • Culture
  • Disciplines

    • Strategy & Consulting
    • Concept
    • User Experience & Design
    • Technical implementation
    • Operational support
  • Year

    • 2016
  • Tech Stack

    • Magnolia
    • ReactJS
    • ApacheSolr
  • Services

    • Fullservice
    • Experience Platforms
    • Digital Strategy

The challenge

As the biggest cinema chain in Switzerland, PathĂ© Suisse attracts 3.5 million visitors every year in eight multiplex cinemas. For the cinema operator it is certain that with a modern and optimized website not only movie screenings but also online research, booking and coordination of cinema visits should be a unique experience.

In the long-term, PathĂ© wants to establish its website as the main sales channel for movie tickets as well as earn its customer’s loyalty. For the relaunch, the company counts on Merkle as its full service partner.

Our approach

  • Implementation of the â€śFrom Insight to Action”-approach: comprehensive inventory of the current customer experience through interviews/surveys and definition of suggestions for improvement as the basis for conceptual planning#
  • Mobile first-conception: focus on optimizing the mobile user experience and on connecting existing applications such as Whatsapp and Doodle
  • Implementation of Magnolia as the content management system and ReactJS as the front end application

The new web presence of Pathé turns cinema visits into a special experience, from researching a movie to seeing it on screen.

Optimal user experience.

The webiste offers an optimal user experience with a simple and quick research, booking and organization of the cinema visit with just a few clicks. It has a playful, responsive design which ensures an entertaining experience on all terminal devices. The quick-buy option on the homepage enables a quick selection of the most important key data for a cinema visit and direct purchase option for tickets. A cool add-on: the virtual cinema planner with a connection with Whatsapp and Doodle to share movie suggestions with friends and to coordinate dates.
Pathé Suisse - Mobile View

Pioneer in the industry.

With its modern web presence Pathé will become the pioneer in the industry online and creates the best possible conditions for customers to purchase offers online and to commit long-term.
Pathé Suisse - Spielzeiten Ansicht

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New Business Kontakt
Your New Business contacts: For Switzerland Dominik Steinacher (+41 44 228 67 77) and for Germany Inka Nobel (+49 69 365 059 0).