Trends in web design and UX design

Inspire users with hyper-personalization, brand experiences and other design trends for 2020

Web Design

Every year, agencies, institutes and media publish a whole compendium of new trends in the field of user experience and web design. To help you keep track, I have taken a close look at the design trends 2020 and selected the most important ones:

Design-Trend 1: Hyperpersonalisierung

Focusing on the user was only the beginning. The trend is "hyperpersonalization". This means that companies consciously consider their customers' perspective first when making decisions. 

At every touchpoint, companies must know exactly who they are talking to - and adapt web design and user experience design accordingly. As a result, this can lead to each user being presented with a different version of the website.

To achieve this, the design and UX departments need to work with data analysis specialists. This is how companies achieve long-term digital success.


Picture showing collaboration at Merkle.

Design Trend 2: Essentialism makes you happy

Today, users are spoilt for choice: there are millions of alternatives for every product and every service. Clear, focused web design helps the user to choose the best option. 

The proven rule applies: less is more. Reduction and simplicity are essential success factors in web design. A perfectly pointed solution makes users happy and, conversely, becomes part of their lives.

The challenge for UX and web designers is to balance the brand promise and user needs - without being unnecessarily complicated or boring. Unfortunately, there is no secret recipe for this yet, creativity is needed here.

    Design trend 3: Unique and integrated brand experiences

    Brands are convincing when the company can integrate the brand core at all touchpoints. Whether typography, geometry or virtuality characterises the design is not important here. 

    The following aspects are essential for a real brand experience in web design and UX design:

    • a high recognition value with the users
    • the distinction from other marks
    • the linking via different channels and media
    • the confidence of users and consumers
    Image that shows designers at work or graphics that illustrate brand experience.

    Design Trend 4: Interdisciplinary for digital success

    Interdisciplinarity is the key to an optimal brand experience. Only when different expertise and perspectives are combined does a project become a success. 

    In digital business, the collaboration of web and UX designers with IT and content experts is particularly valuable.

    My extra tip: Sustainable web design

    Sustainability and climate protection have finally arrived at the centre of society, not least since the Fridays for Future. My colleague Daniel Poppele, Senior Experience Consultant, describes in his blog post how sustainability and web design interact. Read more now.