Delivering better personalized experiences with Pega

Create unique, personalised customer experiences with Pega Marketing and Pega Customer Decisioning Hub.

  • Certified Pega marketing and decisioning consultants

  • Pega marketing and decisioning certifications

  • Years of decisioning expertise



As a leading partner of Pega Marketing and Decisioning, Merkle can help personalise experiences with rich people-based data and design experiences based on knowledge and a statistical understanding of the customer - powering them with Pega Marketing and Pega Customer Decisioning Hub.

We are proud to be the most rewarded partner of Pega Marketing & Decisioning, having won seven Pega Partner awards.

The three Pega solutions that we focus on are: 

Pega Customer Decision Hub

Customer Decision Hub gathers and analyses customer data in real-time to predict their needs. On that basis, it evaluates options and suggests the next recommended action.

Pega 1:1 Operations Manager

Pega 1:1 Operations Manager provides a one-stop shop for businesses to plan, build, test, and deploy changes to their next-best-action strategies – improving their ability to respond to customer needs, competitive threats, or market changes in real time.

Pega Marketing

Deliver personalized inbound, outbound and paid media interactions throughout the customer journey with Pega Marketing.

Industry Experience: Telecommunications

Next Best Experience: the marketing decisioning role in CXM transformation
Increasingly, a brand’s ability to deliver a 1:1 total customer experience is recognised as a rare competitive advantage. The power to deliver against individual customer needs, across time and touchpoints, both digitally and offline, is now essential to meeting customer expectation and those who succeed are recognised and remembered for their abilities. 

This is particularly true for telecommunication companies – mobile operators, fixed line, broadband and subscription providers – whose access to rich customer data holds the promise of a step change in customer engagement and business value.
Merkle Pega Partnersite

Complete the form to view our webinar on demand with Pega and learn:

  • What total Customer Experience Management is and why Telecommunications companies need to deliver to get ahead
  • How leading Telecommunication companies in EMEA are harnessing digital and data transformation with adaptive organisation models and customer centred measurement


You can also take this information back to your team by downloading our infographic.

Watch the webinar

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