Namics on rank 15
The Internet Agency Ranking of the Federal Association of the Digital Economy (BVDW) is the industry barometer of the German Internet Agency landscape. Since 2001 it has been surveyed annually with the German magazines HighText, iBusiness, Horizont and werben & verkaufen. With the ranking, the BVDW provides neutral orientation and guidance within the Internet agency industry.
Successful for years.
In recent years, Namics has continued to fight its way forward in the Internet agency ranking. While in 2017 we were still in 22nd place, last year we were already able to make up four places. We have now taken the next steps in the current list and are pleased to be ranked 15th. The decisive factor for our ranking is turnover (over 29 million euros in Germany alone) - but other criteria such as employee figures are also being examined.