From Unknown to Known: How to boost customers’ loyalty

Set an example with us with our commitment to environmental and social sustainability

WTE LAusanne 23

Great to have you with us today at our exclusive event on How to boost customers’ loyalty! Join us on the road to a sustainable future. Even though many a promotional product certainly makes you happy, today we are giving you something that contributes to a happier and better future for all.

At Merkle, we believe the world has plenty of promotional products. That's why we've chosen to eliminate them from our event program.  

Instead, you have the option to redirect the value of your gifts to specific charitable organizations, all at our expense. 

And these are the three chosen ones for today: 

WWF Deutschland

WWF fights for climate change. For the protection of large forest areas. And for cleaning up rivers and wetlands. With the goal: to preserve a diversity of habitats.

dentsu Kinder- und Jugendhilfe

The organisation supports children and young people who are disadvantaged by illness or disability. Financially, but also with sponsorships and personal contact.

ReDi School of Digital Integration

The tech school offers migrants and disadvantaged people access to digital education free of charge. It teaches students valuable connections alongside digital skills.

Donations instead of merchandising? We are in!

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