Smart Iot and Mobile Business Awards Forum Day in St.Gallen

Meet the Award Nominees at Namics!

"A day of innovative practices with business value."

Since 2014 the IWI of the Uni St. Gallen has awarded the Mobile Business Best Practice Award and in 2019 for the first time another award to Smart IoT Solutions.


Namics will be the host when the up to 10 shortlist nominees present themselves on 6 June in St. Gallen and the two award winners are announced.


Programme and registration: via the website


Learn on site from the nominees (published from mid-May) what added value they achieve with their solutions. The projects present themselves in the proven innovation speeddating format at bar tables. This allows for technical discussions with intensive interaction and personal encounters.


In addition to these table discussions, the programme is rounded off by contributions from Namics, Prof. Dr. Andrea Back, the Award team and her chair team. In the final keynote she gives insights into the current research on IoT and Mobile.

All information about the FORUM DAY: Smart IoT and Mobile Business at a glance:

When: Thursday, June 6th

Timeframe: 9:30/10:00 hrs to apero from 16:00 hrs

Ort: Namics St.Gallen, Unterstrasse 12

Registration and tickets (350 CHF): via the Website

Want to learn more about Namics?

Patrick Buerkle ist Principal Consultant New Business bei Namics
Patrick Bürkle, Principal Consultant New Business (+41 44 228 67 77)