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Rob Gold

Managing Director, Merkle I DWA UK

Rob leads the Merkle B2B practise in the UK - running Merkle I DWA; the global leader in providing media and marketing solutions to technology and B2B businesses.

A communications planner at heart, Rob enjoys nothing more than working alongside his clients and colleagues to solve business challenges through media and communications. Under Rob’s leadership, the agency has grown significantly whilst continuing to develop existing client partnerships through a customer centric model. A firm optimist and future gazer, Rob and his team always have one eye on new opportunities to provide next generation marketing services to the agency’s technology clients. Before his time at Merkle, Rob was part of the UK leadership team at Zenith working alongside some of the biggest businesses in the UK.

Rob is married to a graphic designer, and they have two children. When he gets the chance, Rob enjoys putting on his trainers and pounding the streets of London.